
Simply Sounds Clear™, is our suite of proprietary technology, which leverages BdSound’s audio expertise, to create the best voice-enabled products. Flexible. Complete. Robust.

Clear audio for clever applications

Whether you need to improve audio quality of human-to-human and human-to-machine communications, Simply Sounds Clear™ is the right solution to accomplish it. With a rich set of technologies designed to reduce echo, noise, audio artifacts and to improve speech recognition, Simply Sounds Clear™ can suit a wide range of applications, from automotive to smart home and videoconferencing.

A solution
for every architecture

Supporting several processors and operating systems, Simply Sounds Clear™ is a flexible solution that can fit many applications, from Software for PC and Mac to embedded systems, from small ARM Cortex M based application to more complex systems based on ARM Cortex A, FPGA or DSP.


  • ARM Cortex A / Cortex M
  • x86/x64
  • Cadence HiFi
  • NXP SAF9100 (Quantum)

Operating Systems

  • Bare Metal
  • freeRTOS
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • OS-X, iOS
  • Android


Innovation at your fingertips

Acoustic Echo Canceller

Full duplex Acoustic Echo Cancellation even in the presence of speakers’ nonlinearities, up to 48kHz of sample frequency.

In-car Communication

Safe and effortless communication between the front and rear seat seats of the car.

Line Echo Canceller

Light-weight, fast and reactive, full-duplex Line Echo Canceller for traditional communication equipment with 2-wires to 4-wires electrical interface.

Microphone Bubbles

Creating a virtual bubble around a talker to only capture the isolated voice and remove any disturbances or external talkers.

Noise Reduction

Removing any unwanted noises and disturbances to ensure a clear and comfortable communication without introducing additional distortion. Different solutions available from innovative AI-based models to traditional DSP-based.


Removing reverb to enhance voice clearness even in the most challenging conditions.

Adaptive Beamforming

Multiple microphones arrays with selective beamforming, to improve audio quality in communications and in speech recognition.

Direction of Arrival

Sharp and real-time estimate of speech sources in space.

Smart Clock Manager

Scalable asynchronous sample rate converter, up to 145dB of Dynamic Range, with a special module to align drifting clocks, easy to be integrated in any design with multiple clock domains needing to be synchronized.

Multichannel Barge-In

Enabling the possibility to interrupt voice assistants during multichannel audio playback for a more natural interaction.

WuW Detection Enhancement

Improving accuracy in detecting voice assistant’s Wake-up-Word (WuW) to minimize false activations.

Adaptive Voice Control

Enhancing voice clarity in real-time based on acoustic environment conditions.

Audio Quality Enhancement

Complete set of traditional audio processing blocks such as standard filters, DRC, AGC and others, to fine tune audio quality and optimize loudspeakers’ and microphones’ performance.

Learn more where Simply Sounds Clear can improve your product



Smart Home